I have been on the hunt for the iconic crystal Balenciaga hourglass bag and I finally managed to track one down! It was totally worth the wait as I am so in love with it. I’ve always been a huge fan of sparkles so am super happy that they are trending at the moment, first with stunning knee high boots and now with crystal ‘it’ bags being released by so many of my favourite brands. I’ve rounded up a few of my fave styles below that are available right now… but you’ll have to be quick as they might not be for long!
EERA BAG: (here)
GREEN POUCH: Benedetta Bruzziches (here)
CRYSTAL TOTE: Prada (here)
GOLD BAG: Eera (here)
MINI TOTE: By Far (here)
Silver Bag: Judith Leiber Couture (here)
PINK BAG: Rosantica (here)
HOURGLASS BAG: Balenciaga (here)