It’s Christmas in 20 days and, therefore, it’s about time to share with you some shopping inspiration – Inspiration on what to buy for your family, your beloved ones AND for yourself! 😉
Those of you who follow my Insta stories saw, that I am super excited as Dior Cruise 2019 is now available in stores and online at Dior.com! Maria Grazia Chiuri was inspired by the ezcaramuzas of Mexico, the collection is graceful and strong like these skilled horsewomen (which was previously the domain of men)! I was lucky to wear one of the beautiful dresses of the Cruise collection for last week’s Dior dinner in Paris and also had the chance to get a closer look on all the stunning Cruise 2019 pieces at the Dior showroom in Paris!
There a few items I have my eye on and as you guys might have noticed I am a huge Dior fan 😉. On top of my wish list is this CD logo throw, I’m planning on wearing it as a super oversized scarf or to add the iconic print at home over my sofa! Also my favourite booties for the season are these really cool saddle boots. I love the fashion accessories at Dior and these beautiful pearl star earrings are so perfect for the festive season; also this brooch is great to add some Dior to coats and sweaters.
Yesterday I finally placed my first order on Dior.com and I can’t wait to share what I shopped with you guys and shopping online was so easy! The delivery is complimentary and arrives in the iconic Dior gift box! I’ll definitely share with you the unboxing on stories as soon as the package is with me! xx Leonie
LOGO PLAID (here), EARRINGS (here), DIORAMA BAG (here), STRAP (here), SADDLE BOOTS (here), BROOCH (here)
*In cooperation with Dior <3
I have always loved Dior, but they have been doing an excellent job lately.
x Sheila
Dior ist so eine tolle Marke. Die Stücke haben Stil und werden mit Sicherheit so einige Saisons überdauern..
Alles Liebe,
Obsessed! x
Hallo Leonie,
ich finde deinen Blog und deinen Instagram Feed wirklich toll 🙂 Schade finde ich allerdings, dass so ziemlich jeder erfolgreiche Blog mittlerweile Hochglanzmagazine ersetzt und sich hinsichtlich seines Inhalts im Bewerben von namhaften Designern erschöpft.
Natürlich lieben wir alle Dior! ❤️ Aber wer von den Lesern kann sich denn mal eben Dior leisten? Ich finde es schon ein bisschen realitätsfern, derart hochpreisige Produkte als (mögliche) Geschenkideen darzustellen. So sehr ich deine Arbeit liebe, manchmal vermisse ich die gute alte Leonie mit ihren Lagenlooks von Zara. Damit konnten sich die allermeisten Leser nämlich noch identifizieren.
Liebste Grüße