Vermont ’17

Vermont ’17

When looking back at the last months (or even the last year), the campaigns I’ve been working on mostly led me to summerly destinations and even though summer is my favorite season, I started to miss autumn. When a project with H&M brought me to LA, I decided to make a quick stock in Vermont to capture some autumn moments.  *Anzeige

Alex and I flew to Boston and took a car to head North. I’ve always wanted to see the beautiful colors of fall foliage and after researching for quite a while, I decided that Manchester in Vermont might be the perfect place to inhale autumn. It’s really difficult to catch the peak of the colorful leafs but we were lucky and arrived just a few days late which means that fall foliage was still super beautiful. The weather was a little unpredictable (pretty typical for autumn!) and during our five day stay we experienced everything from thunder and rain to warm sunny weather with temperatures up to 20 degrees. For my trip I packed lots of Tory Burch pieces (Isn’t the bow logo blouse so Gossip Girl!?), flowerly dresses, cozy jackets and boots! My favorite boots this season are colorful suede ones, black overknees and my all time favorites: Balenciaga Ceinture! The Ceinture boots are sold out most of the time but at the moment you can shop them in four colors: here

During the last two years I was so lucky to make really good friends in the blogosphere and one of my closest friends, Michelle, decided to visit Alex and me for a day which was so much fun! We were lucky and during the day she was with us we had the most beautiful weather! We ended up taking the car and explored all the beautiful corners around Vermont! 

Vermont offers so much, especially during fall season. We visited pumpkin patches, ate apple cider donuts, sat next to the fire place and watched Stranger Things, had a picnic at a small lake and spent so much time just soaking in the beautiful autumn colors. The first nights we stayed at the Equinox hotel and afterwards we headed to the Taconic hotel, which ended up being my favorite! It had a really good value for money and was super charming. We had a fire place in our room, a cozy bathtub and I loved sitting next to the fireplace or in one of the swing chairs on the hotel patio. I tried to capture as much as possible and I hope you like to see a little more autumn here. Somehow I have to admit that autumn always puts me in the mood for Christmas season – I can’t wait for even cozier days.:) xx Leonie 

DRESS: Spell (here), BOOTS: Balenciaga (here), JACKET: H&M (here), BAG: Dior (here)

DRESS: Spell (here), BOOTS; Balenciaga (here), BAG: Prada (similar here)

DRESS: Spell (here), BOOTS; Balenciaga (here), BAG: Prada (similar here), HAT (similar here)

DRESS: Spell (here), BOOTS; Balenciaga (here), BAG: Prada (similar here), HAT (similar here)

SKIRT: Tory Burch (here), BAG: Tory Burch (here), BLOUSE: Tory Burch (here), BOOTS: Tory Burch (here), SWEATER: H&M (similar here), JACKET: H&M (here)

DRESS: Spell (here), BOOTS; Balenciaga (here), BAG: Chanel (similar here), COAT: H&M (here)

SKIRT: Tory Burch (here), BAG: Tory Burch (here), BLOUSE: Tory Burch (here), BOOTS: Tory Burch (here), SWEATER: H&M (similar here)

BOOTS: Tory Burch (here), SKIRT: Tory Burch (here), BLOUSE: Tory Burch (here), CAPE: Salvatore Ferragamo (here), BAG: Tory Burch (here)

DRESS: Spell (here), BOOTS: Balenciaga (here), JACKET: H&M (here), BAG: Dior (here)

SWEATER: Revolve (here), SKIRT: Sezane (here), BOOTS: Tory Burch (here, SUNNIES: Jimmy Choo (here), BAG: Marc Jacobs (here)

DRESS: Spell (here), BOOTS: Balenciaga (here), JACKET: H&M (here), BAG: Dior (here)

CAPE: Salvatore Ferragamo (here), BOOTS: Tory Burch (here), SWEATER: One Teaspoon (here), OPTICAL GLASSES: Asos (here), BACKPACK: Louis Vuitton (here), DENIM: Levis (here)

SWEATER: Revolve (here), SKIRT: Sezane (here), BOOTS: Tory Burch (here, SUNNIES: Jimmy Choo (here), BAG: Marc Jacobs (here)

BOOTS: Tory Burch (here), SWEATER: One Teaspoon (here), OPTICAL GLASSES: Asos (here), BACKPACK: Louis Vuitton (here), DENIM: Levis (here)

SKIRT: Tory Burch (here), BAG: Tory Burch (here), BLOUSE: Tory Burch (here), BOOTS: Tory Burch (here), SWEATER: H&M (similar here), JACKET: H&M (here)

DRESS: Spell (here)

SWEATER: Revolve (here), DRESS: Spell (here), BAG: Prada (here), SUNNIES: Ray Ban (here)

DRESS: Misa (here), SWEATER: H&M (similar here), BEANIE: Acne (here), BAG: Chanel (similar here)

BOOTS: Tory Burch (here), SKIRT: Tory Burch (here), BLOUSE: Tory Burch (here), CAPE: Salvatore Ferragamo (here), BAG: Tory Burch (here)

SWEATER: Revolve (here), DRESS: Spell (here), BAG: Prada (similar here), BOOTS: Balenciaga (here)

SKIRT: Tory Burch (here), BAG: Tory Burch (here), BLOUSE: Tory Burch (here), BOOTS: Tory Burch (here), SWEATER: H&M (similar here)



  1. Annaliese
    21. November 2017 / 19:47

    I moved to Burlington Vermont in April for work, so I loved seeing your pictures from Manchester! I still haven’t been down there yet but want to visit next fall. 🙂

    xoxo A

  2. 21. November 2017 / 20:57

    Hey Leonie,

    für mich ist es dieses Jahr das erste Mal, dass ich mich so richtig auf den Herbst und die Winterzeit freue 🙂 Sonst habe ich dem Sommer immer noch so lange hinterher getrauert, aber dieses Jahr freue ich mich riesig auf die schönen deutschen Weihnachtsmärkte, Teezeit, Kamin, Sauna…
    Und wenn ich deine Bilder sehen, dann weiß ich auch warum!! Das sieht ja so unglaublich Traumhaft aus in Vermont *-* Wow!! Diese Farben und dazu deine unglaublich schönen Outfits <3

    Liebe Grüße
    Pauline <3

  3. Ann-Kathrin
    22. November 2017 / 0:39

    Such a wonderful and beautiful post! You may also like my page: or my instagram doubleedgedfashion
    Enjoy your cozy fall! Love

  4. 22. November 2017 / 0:46

    These pictures are incredible! We don’t really get Autumn here in Australia, but I’ve always been fascinated by the falling leaves.

    Sharni xo

  5. Leonie
    22. November 2017 / 9:46

    Thank you babe – You have to visit Europe or US during autumn one day! <3

  6. Leonie
    22. November 2017 / 9:47

    Hallo liebe Pauline, mir geht es genau so! Wenn es in DE noch etwas weniger regnen würde, wäre es echt perfekt! 😛 <3

  7. Leonie
    22. November 2017 / 9:47

    Awww, thank you so much – That’s so good to hear! <3

  8. Leonie
    22. November 2017 / 9:48

    Next time! 🙂 <3<3<3

  9. Leonie
    22. November 2017 / 9:48

    Thank you, babe <3

  10. 22. November 2017 / 12:16

    Das sieht nach einer unvergesslichen Zeit aus!! Die Farben in den Fotos sind so wunderschön 🙂

    Liebe Grüße Su

  11. 22. November 2017 / 15:39

    Was für eine traumhafte Landschaft, ich liebe deine Outfits, einfach großartig!
    Liebe Grüße an dich

  12. Stephanie Drexler
    22. November 2017 / 15:57

    Wow die Bilder sind mal wieder ein Traum ! 🙂
    Diese herbstliche Atmosphäre ist so toll!
    x Stephi

  13. Leonie
    22. November 2017 / 18:05

    Daaaanke, liebe Stephi <3

  14. Leonie
    22. November 2017 / 18:06

    So happy to hear <3<3<3

  15. Leonie
    22. November 2017 / 18:07


  16. Sheila
    23. November 2017 / 2:30

    There is no better place to spend an autumn getaway than New England, it was made for the season! How did you enjoy Stranger Things? My boyfriend and I binge watched it over two days!!

    Love your autumn outfits, especially the suede boots.


  17. Leonie
    23. November 2017 / 8:53

    Same! I’m still so obsessed – I see Stranger Things EVERYWHERE I go! Even snow reminds me of the air in the Upside Down… 😀 Watched it so many times in a row! 😀 Kisses from Austria <3

  18. Leonie
    23. November 2017 / 8:54

    You should definitely do that! <3

  19. Leonie
    24. November 2017 / 14:38

    Thanks, babe <3

  20. Leonie
    24. November 2017 / 14:40

    Awww, thanks sooo much <3

  21. Rebekka
    25. November 2017 / 18:29

    Wieso machst du beim lachen immer Deine Zunge so komisch vor deine Zähne das wirkt so kindisch und “entschuldige” komisch, dass passt null zu Dir. Wenn man dich auf deinen anderen Bildern ansieht wo du “normal” lachst die sind super super schön gefallen mir mega.

  22. 26. November 2017 / 14:29

    Die Bilder sind traumhaft schön!!
    So schöne Farben und Motive.
    Danke dir fürs teilen 🙂
    Lg Lukas | primephoto

  23. Leonie
    26. November 2017 / 15:22

    Viiielen lieben Dank! <3

  24. 26. November 2017 / 18:16

    Traumhaft schöne Bilder, liebe Leonie!!!
    Gefallen mir richtig, richtig gut! 🙂

  25. 26. November 2017 / 18:31

    Super schöne Fotos mal wieder! <3
    Die Atmospäre ist toll, so herbstlich 🙂

    Liebe Grüße und noch einen schönen Sonntagabend,
    Filiz von www.

  26. Leonie
    26. November 2017 / 19:36

    Dir auch Liebes <3

  27. Leonie
    26. November 2017 / 19:37

    Viiiielen lieben Dank!

  28. 29. November 2017 / 11:41

    Ich muss euch beiden ein echtes Lob aussprechen: Ich finde eure Bilder immer so wunderschön (auch wenn natürlich bearbeitet) und sie inspirieren mich immer, selbst zu meiner Smartphone-Kamera zu greifen und Motive abzulichten!


    Liebe Grüße aus Hamburg!

  29. Leonie
    30. November 2017 / 19:50

    Das freut mich so zu hören! <3

  30. Leonie
    30. November 2017 / 19:50

    Thank you sooooo much <3

  31. Leonie
    2. December 2017 / 13:29

    Thanks for your nice words babe, that’s so cool! Lookbook was such a fun start! <3

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