As a new London resident I’m still in a phase where I feel super excited about everything this big city has to offer. Even though my home town Hamburg is the second biggest city in Germany, it still feels comparable small compared to London. What I love most about London is how diverse the city is: London can look super quick, colorful of edgy and there is nothing you cannot do in London! Two things I’m suer happy about is the fact that you can find all things fashion and food! 🙂 One of my latest fashion obsessions is Flannels, a high end designer boutique with several stores in the United Kingdom specialising in luxury fashion clothing, shoes and accessories. And of course there is also a web shop ( and in my first weeks in London I directly ordered with them and found some of my new summer season favorites such as a flowerly Zimmermann dress and the Gucci Dionysus of my dreams. I remember when I bought my first Gucci Dionysus in canvas when it was just released years ago and after owning different versions in different colors I thought I would never buy a new Dionysus… but that was before I saw the latest model made of velvet in a classic khaki shade. I LOOOOVE the bag and it’s perfect to wear throughout the whole year as the color works with so many different tones. In today’s pictures I combined my dream Zimmermann dress. Flannels has an amazing selection of Zimmermann pieces but this dress directly took my breath away! I loved wearing it in my hometown Hamburg, adding some flowery contrast to my more conservative hometown. I can’t wait to go back to London tomorrow and I’ll make sure to check what’s new on! 🙂 xx Leonie
DRESS: Zimmermann (here)
BAG: Gucci (here)
*In cooperation with Flannels <3
Love your dress! x
Oh ich liiiebe die Zimmermann Kleider!! So oft sehe ich auf deinem Instagram oder Blog wunderschöne flowy Sommerkleider und so oft sind sie von Zimmermann! <3 Einfach nur ein Traum!
Und vor allem dieses gefällt mir unheimlich gut, weil es elegant aussieht aber trotzdem casual mit Turnschuhen perfekt für einen Stadtbummel und Eis essen gehen 🙂
Liebste Grüße
Pauline <3
Leonie what a chic combo
Nice and Perfect looking outfit..
Need this dress<3
Liiiiebe deinen Look hübsche Leonie<3
Ich weiß, was du meinst. Ich persönlich habe zu Hamburg, meiner Heimatstadt, auch eine besondere Verbindung, jedoch auch zu London. Ich wurde in der Nähe von London geboren und fühle mich dort immer zu Hause. Besonders gut gefällt mir an der englischen Hauptstadt, dass es so viele verschiedene Ecken gibt, z.B. Camden, Notting Hill, Shoreditch,… Auch das Brunchangebot (meine Lieblingsmahlzeit) ist in London einmalig*-*
Alles Liebe,