If you thought you would only be working from home temporarily, now is the time to shift that mentality and start fixing up your office space! In London, the lockdown measures are as important as ever and won’t be lifted for the time being. I know it might seem scary, but it’s for our own good and for the safety of others, so we must try to make the best out of the situation <3. In the meantime, I put together a list of home office essentials to make your desk space pretty and practical, and to keep you feeling motivated!
As I have mentioned before, you can turn any surface into a working space with a little creative thinking. You might even find that your kitchen table or vanity area are good spots to work from, but first you’ll need to make some changes. For this, I highly recommend investing in a beautiful desk blotter, which will shift your mindset and have you feeling more professional in a matter of seconds. Complete your new office space with a pristine pen pot or decorative tray, to keep it clean and tidy.
Do you remember those school days when you would get super excited about new stationery? Well, some things never change… they just get more sophisticated! For starters, Fendi has the most elegant stationery kit I have ever seen. I also love Smython’s smart notebooks, which are perfect for writing down your creative ideas and to-do lists.
Not only is it important to have the perfect workspace, but also to dress the part. As much as I love my feather pyjamas, they have no place in the office! A coordinating loungewear look is the ideal middle ground for me, ensuring I’m out of my PJs but am still comfortable and ready to get going.

Hoodie: Givenchy (here)
Now, it’s time to bring this home office into the 21st century! When I’m working from my phone all day long, the battery runs out pretty quickly. Luckily, I found this beautiful blue charging pad that isn’t an eyesore and even has space for accessories or anything else that I don’t want to leave lying around! On top of this, Alex and I always use headphones to take calls on or listen to music without disturbing each other, which is essential if you’re living and working in close proximity.
Whilst candles are great for relaxation, room sprays will stimulate your working mind. It’s like when you step into your favourite clothes store or hotel and it smells divine. It can change your entire mood! With just a spritz or two each day you will soon associate the smell with your home office hours. Alternatively, opt for a diffuser if you find room sprays too intense. They’ll deliver a similar but softer sensory experience :).
What are your go-to home office essentials? <3