With so much extra time at home, I’ve definitely been noticing and appreciating the little things more than ever! And I don’t think I’m alone in this… we are all doing our best to stay positive while also craving a sense of normality. I wanted to share with you a few of the things that have been bringing me moments of happiness, in the hope that they can do the same for you!
I’ve mentioned before that my beautiful colourful neighbourhood brings me so much joy and it’s also inspired me to make my apartment feel even more homely. With that in mind, I’ve been trying to implement William Morris’ famous words: “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful”. It’s amazing what a difference it makes to your mindset when you remove all that clutter!
Some of my favourite things to shop for lately are vases, like this beautiful glass one from Anthropologie, as I just love having fresh flowers in the house. Also, as you guys probably know, I’m super passionate about cooking at the moment and really feel like having cute new kitchen utensils adds to that passion ;). I genuinely love preparing everything, especially açai bowl breakfasts. It’s been even more fun since my Vitamix and chic gold cutlery arrived! I’ve included some of my all-time favourite items below, which I hope will bring a little extra happiness to your days at home <3.