Monday Update #1

Monday Update #1

My loves, today’s weekly update is a rather short one, because wifi on the smaller islands in Thailand is really slow and it sometimes takes hours to even upload a few pictures. Therefore, I have to keep it short and simple this week and I also write an English version today which allows me to upload posts a bit quicker – As soon as I’m back in Germany you will read longer texts again, I promise!:)


R E V I E V: I started into the new year in Bangkok. People tend to either love or hate Thailand’s capital since the city is very loud and busy. For me it was the 4th time I visited Bangkok and I always enjoy it a lot. We were staying near Khao San road which is the main tourist road, nevertheless it is a fun place to visit in the evening to browse around little shops, pick up a pad thai next to the street and soak up all the Bangkok craziness around you. Also the district is very close to the King’s palace and the Wat Arun which are some of the must sees in Bangkok. Still, for NYE I did a little mistake and asked at our hotel for advise on how to spend NYE – not having in mind that people in Thailand do not celebrate on December the 31st and, therefore, they probably enjoy something totally different. We ended up visiting a place where “the lights are beautiful”. I though the woman would refer to fireworks by saying this, but in fact she meant some really colorful strange lights which were too far away from the fireworks. Consequently, we were surrounded by thousand of Thais, not seeing andy fireworks but still it was a unique experience!:)

Afterwards we were flying to Koh Samui since the island is a good starting point to explore the islands around. For the first time I visited Koh Phangan which kind of reminded me of Kauai the wild garden island of Hawaii. We had a little resort at the Haad Salad beach. I found the beach on Tripadvisor and I loved the white sand, slightly green water and the wild nature which was surrounding the beach. After experiencing some trips to Thailand some years ago I was a bit sad how unfriendly people approached us on Koh Phangan. Probably we had bag luck or Thais on Koh Phangan just suffered too much from the Full Moon tourists and, therefore, are a bit careful when it comes to foreigners. For the first time we rented a motorcycle even though we read so many scary things on the internet. It was a lot of fun exploring the island, but we also got stuck (the motorcycle was suddenly dead) and a friendly Russian hotel owner helped us out by quickly showing us some tricks. Still, he was shocked because one of the breakes was kind of loose and the other one really tight and he said that sometimes motorcycles are prepared like this on purpose. When you rent a motorcycle it’s really cheap. You only pay about 200 baht which is about 5 euro. But as soon as you have an accident, even a small scratch might be a problem, you are charged some thousands bath and, therefore, you always have to double check when renting in a foreign country. Especially when they keep your passport as a deposit!

Just yesterday we took the speed boat to Koh Tao and arriving here felt perfectly right! So many of you recommended  coming here on Instagram and I directly fell for the island! Koh Tao is surprisingly busy and there are very modern restaurants and shops, but the beaches are really stunning and there are too many great spots for diving or snorkeling.

P L A N S: For the rest of the week we’ll be staying on Koh Tao and I cannot wait to explore Nang Yuan. The island is supposed to be super beautiful and we are planning to be there really early in the morning to avoid crowds of people! On our way back we stay one night at Koh Samui. Alex and I have been there before to celebrate my birthday some years ago and we loved the Anantara resort in Bohput so much that we decided to be there at the very end of our vacation!

I’m sending hugs and kisses to all of you from Koh Tao – In case you have any more recommendations for Koh Tao i’m always happy to read from you! xx Leonie







  1. 5. January 2016 / 9:41

    Die Fotos sind wunderschön und bis auf die eine Sache mit den unfreundlichen Leuten und den manipulierten Bremsen, hört sich doch alles super schön an <3 Ich wünsche euch noch einen schönen Resturlaub! 🙂

    Liebe Grüße,
    Annika von

  2. 5. January 2016 / 9:43

    Das klingt nach einem perfekten Start ins neue Jahr und ich wünsche euch noch eine tolle Zeit in Thailand <3

    Liebste Grüße
    Luise |

  3. 5. January 2016 / 9:51

    Genau so war es bei mir, wie es die in Koh Phangan erging, als ich über den Amazonas von Kolumbien nach Peru schipperte.. Ich habe 6 Monate in Kolumbien verbracht und liebe dieses Land aus vollem Herzen, keine 5 Minuten von der Grenze entfernt und mit dem Boot sehr gut erreichbar, war Peru und als ich dort ankam hatte ich den perfekten Kulturschock. Kein Lächeln auf den Gesichtern, kein freundliches ‘Hola Mamita, que tal?’.. ich war richtig enttäuscht.. Dafür wusste ich danach Kolumbien mit seiner tollen Kultur umso mehr zu schätzen! 🙂 Ich wünsche dir noch ganz viel Spaß in Thailand, pass auf dich auf und lass die nicht mehr von Rollerverleihern austricksen.. 🙂
    Liebe Grüße,

  4. 5. January 2016 / 13:07

    Schönes Review und die Bilder sind ja sowieso top 🙂
    Ich wünsche dir noch weiterhin eine schöne Zeit in Koh Tao ! Ich selbst war nochnie in Thailand, aber allein die diesen Fruchtauswahl und Obstauswahl die es dort geben soll, lässt (d)ein Veggie-Herz sicher schon höher schlagen 🙂

    Ganz liebe Grüße, Vivi>

  5. 5. January 2016 / 13:51

    Wie schön diese Bilder sind, da freue ich mich gleich noch mehr auf unseren Urlaub, in zwei Wochen geht’s in die Karibik!
    Hab noch eine schöne Zeit und ganz liebe Grüße

  6. 5. January 2016 / 14:35

    Wenn ich dich da so am Strand stehen sehe, schleicht sich bei mir langsam wieder das Bedürfnis nach Sommer bei mir ein 🙂 Echt traumhaft sieht´s dort aus! <3

    Schönes neues Jahr wünsch ich dir nachträglich noch!

    Viele liebe Grüße
    Ina •

  7. 5. January 2016 / 23:01

    Wow, was für tolle Bilder:) da taucht man ja glatt aus dem Schnee inn Deutschland in den nächsten Sommerurlaub ab:)

  8. Mariya
    7. January 2016 / 0:42

    Good choice koh tao! Auf jeden Fallmusst du zum Bananabeach! ( ich empfehle mango bay nicht, da wir den Weg dorthin im Dchungel verloren haben…) Lg mariya

  9. 7. January 2016 / 6:57

    i love these photos,and they are so beautiful. I love your post. Thanks very much.

  10. Konstantina Antoniadou
    7. January 2016 / 15:01

    Your looks are always extremely chic and stylish! Have a great year love!

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