I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! I often find that if you can get away for a two week holiday that the second week ends up being the best as you have settled…

Happy Monday loves! you might have noticed that there was no Monday update last week but it’s been a little quiet here in Hamburg and the weather has been challenging so there was not too…

Happy Monday loves! We touched down in Hamburg this weekend after successfully accomplishing everything to do on our London ‘to do list’. The priorities were to sort out a few things with our current apartment…

Happy Monday loves! How was everyone’s weekend? We finally got the all-clear from our Covid test so we were finally able to explore my second home, London. At the end of last year when we…

Hi guys! Happy start to the week – I can’t even remember the last time I published a Monday update! As some of you might have seen on Instagram, Alex and I have had to…
View PostWEEKLY UPDATE 3: -20 Degrees

Hi guys, and hiiii to a new update! It’s 4 more days until Xmas and I actually don’t feel soooo Christmassy so far! So from now on I will try to embrace the spirit and…
View PostWeekly Update 2: How I ended up on Santorini!

Ok guys, a new attempt to share a weekly update with you. Still wishing for someone in my life who would help me to structure my work especially with being on the run so often.…
View PostMonday Update #57

My loves, I can’t even remember the last time I published a Monday Update and it feels like sooo much has happened in between! I sincerely apologize for the lack of updates, but during the…
View PostMonday Update #56

My, loves – this has been some exciting days and with six hours time difference and sooo much program, I wasn’t really able to write any blog posts… But here we go with a slightly…
View PostMonday Update #55

Hi hi, my loves, let’s quickly wrap up these last exciting days in Italy! <3 *Anzeige R E V I E W: I started the week in Cinque Terre, Italy, to shoot for an upcoming…
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