I’m so excited to share my co-created capsule collection with Santa Brands! I have invested in so many of their beautiful pieces over the past few years and when the opportunity arose to collaborate I…
View PostBrazil X Valentino Adventure

Hi guys or BOM DIA! Last week, I experienced the most incredible trip to Brazil with Valentino for a very exciting shoot with Harper‘s Bazaar Brazil in a very special location! I arrived in Sao…
View PostPandora Campaign | Capetown

Ever since I started blogging so many of my favorite memories have been made with PANDORA. When I first met the brand, I discovered their whole assortment and stacking my Pandora rings is something I’ve…
View PostCatrice x Marina Hoermanseder I Berlin

Eines der coolsten Projekte, die ich während der Berliner Fashion Week machen durfte, war ein Tag mit Catrice. Catrice war nicht nur der Hauptsponsor für den Berliner Mode Salon, sondern hat auch das Styling bei…
View Post#Thisismii I Berlin

It has been a while since the London Fashion Week when we got an exclusive preview at the new Seat #Thisismii designed for women by women (here). During the Berlin Fashion Week we got the…
View Post#IntimissimiLovesSantorini | Santorini

After I’ve spammed you with S a n t o r i n i pictures on Instagram, I finally found time to prepare the promised blog post. Santorini is one of this places that has…
View PostWish you were here | Hilfiger Island

Today I can finally share with you some first impressions of my experience on Hilfiger Island. *Anzeige In the beginning of February I spend two unforgettable days with Tommy Hilfiger eyewear far far away on…
View PostCartier |Paris

The thing about D r e a m s. I never called myself a dreamer. However, I’ve always been creative. *Anzeige Sometimes, when an inspiring idea pops up in my head or I think of something…
View PostInside Vestiaire Collective |Paris

Two weeks have past since Paris fashion week and there are still so many experiences that I would like to share with you. One highlight during my time in Paris was a visit to Vestiaire Collective –…
View PostA Glimpse of Christmas | Vienna

There is nothing, which makes me happier than exploring places I´ve always wanted to visit by working on the blog. Vienna was on my “bucket list” since forever so I was delighted when Fashion ID…
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